Sunday, May 31, 2020

Dilbert and Corona Labs Competition for Mobile Developers

Dilbert and Corona Labs Competition for Mobile Developers Were going to have to let you go. You should get on JibberJobber right now, and you should check out the Corona Labs Point Haired Boss competition! I got an email from Corona Labs asking me if I would share this with you.  It is pretty cool.  Kind of makes me wish I was a mobile developer, just to have fun with this competition. If you know someone this applies to, please share it with them.  There are great reasons to do this, one is so you can substantiate yourself (one of the most important things I learned in my job search). Dilbert and Corona Labs have created a competition to see who can create the best Dilbert mobile game. Every recently laid-off developer will receive a free one-year subscription to Corona SDK Pro just for entering the competition â€" a gift worth $599.This competition gives laid off developers a chance to enhance their portfolio and create a game that will help them adapt to this new mobile world. Even if the developer doesnt win, he or she will still have a mobile game for their portfolio, and a full year to work on their mobile coding skills for free. And if it’s a really great game, the winner has a chance to create a blockbuster game that will be promoted and marketed under a major global brand, and potentially distributed by a major phone manufacturer. Under this competition, the only thing a developer needs to bring is his or her creativity. Corona Labs will provide everything needed to create the mobile game, including the Dilbert artwork, a consumer-friendly platform for game developers of all skill levels and the global marketing power of the Dilbert name. The winning game will be personally selected by the creator of Dilbert Scott Adams and potentially featured by a major phone manufacturer. Corona Labs will also be giving away ten 1-year Corona SDK Pro subscriptions, each valued at $599 and smaller prizes like iTunes gift cards as awards. Developers can sign up for free here: Dilbert and Corona Labs Competition for Mobile Developers Were going to have to let you go. You should get on JibberJobber right now, and you should check out the Corona Labs Point Haired Boss competition! I got an email from Corona Labs asking me if I would share this with you.  It is pretty cool.  Kind of makes me wish I was a mobile developer, just to have fun with this competition. If you know someone this applies to, please share it with them.  There are great reasons to do this, one is so you can substantiate yourself (one of the most important things I learned in my job search). Dilbert and Corona Labs have created a competition to see who can create the best Dilbert mobile game. Every recently laid-off developer will receive a free one-year subscription to Corona SDK Pro just for entering the competition â€" a gift worth $599.This competition gives laid off developers a chance to enhance their portfolio and create a game that will help them adapt to this new mobile world. Even if the developer doesnt win, he or she will still have a mobile game for their portfolio, and a full year to work on their mobile coding skills for free. And if it’s a really great game, the winner has a chance to create a blockbuster game that will be promoted and marketed under a major global brand, and potentially distributed by a major phone manufacturer. Under this competition, the only thing a developer needs to bring is his or her creativity. Corona Labs will provide everything needed to create the mobile game, including the Dilbert artwork, a consumer-friendly platform for game developers of all skill levels and the global marketing power of the Dilbert name. The winning game will be personally selected by the creator of Dilbert Scott Adams and potentially featured by a major phone manufacturer. Corona Labs will also be giving away ten 1-year Corona SDK Pro subscriptions, each valued at $599 and smaller prizes like iTunes gift cards as awards. Developers can sign up for free here: Dilbert and Corona Labs Competition for Mobile Developers Were going to have to let you go. You should get on JibberJobber right now, and you should check out the Corona Labs Point Haired Boss competition! I got an email from Corona Labs asking me if I would share this with you.  It is pretty cool.  Kind of makes me wish I was a mobile developer, just to have fun with this competition. If you know someone this applies to, please share it with them.  There are great reasons to do this, one is so you can substantiate yourself (one of the most important things I learned in my job search). Dilbert and Corona Labs have created a competition to see who can create the best Dilbert mobile game. Every recently laid-off developer will receive a free one-year subscription to Corona SDK Pro just for entering the competition â€" a gift worth $599.This competition gives laid off developers a chance to enhance their portfolio and create a game that will help them adapt to this new mobile world. Even if the developer doesnt win, he or she will still have a mobile game for their portfolio, and a full year to work on their mobile coding skills for free. And if it’s a really great game, the winner has a chance to create a blockbuster game that will be promoted and marketed under a major global brand, and potentially distributed by a major phone manufacturer. Under this competition, the only thing a developer needs to bring is his or her creativity. Corona Labs will provide everything needed to create the mobile game, including the Dilbert artwork, a consumer-friendly platform for game developers of all skill levels and the global marketing power of the Dilbert name. The winning game will be personally selected by the creator of Dilbert Scott Adams and potentially featured by a major phone manufacturer. Corona Labs will also be giving away ten 1-year Corona SDK Pro subscriptions, each valued at $599 and smaller prizes like iTunes gift cards as awards. Developers can sign up for free here:

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Resume-Writing Consulting in Maryland

Resume-Writing Consulting in MarylandResume-writing consulting in Maryland has become one of the most sought after jobs among employers who are looking for people with diverse talents and qualifications. This is particularly so in the highly competitive Maryland region, where most local and international employers have their head offices. The career opportunities are in different areas such as marketing, advertising, government, education, health care, technology, and other fields. For better success, it is imperative to have a thorough understanding of how these professionals write resumes that attract employers and retain their attention.Work experience is an important part of a resume. The best work experience must be presented at the top of the resume. In addition, the length of the work experience should be highlighted and it should be included in the first paragraph or 'hook'. From this point, the rest of the content can be fitted in later. One thing is certain: when employers see work experiences or certifications listed at the top of the resume, they will not expect to find the positions, responsibilities, and/or duties associated with that work experience or certification.One should also remember to show their employment background, not just any job titles but the names of the companies they worked for, the dates, and the salary level. A nice touch would be to include the details on the job duties and the company name on the first line of the resume. Employers prefer to be able to check credentials and work history before interviewing a potential employee. Checking the skills necessary for the position before hiring can also be very helpful.It is also important to always start a resume from the point of your education. A student who has excelled in a specific field will always be given priority for a job because employers do not want to take the risk of having a high school dropout. In addition, a well-rounded person will be able to successfully juggle multiple jobs.A career objective is always a good idea to have listed at the bottom of the resume. This is an easy way to keep employers informed about what a candidate plans to do. It should also include a short paragraph explaining why the applicant is qualified for the position, and why the employer should be hired.Showing employers that you are genuine and professional is a must in order to make a good impression. An authentic and professional resume will be a key component to establishing a good rapport with the employer. Many employers will also provide applicants with references if possible.One of the most important things to remember is to avoid plagiarism. In resume-writing consulting in Maryland, there are several techniques employed by many people who try to imitate others' work. Some will even have duplicate work done, which could result in losing a potential employer's business.In order to make your resume as good as possible, practice writing and submitting it. This w ill help you hone your skills and familiarize yourself with the things you need to know about. With time, you will also be able to produce resumes that stand out from the crowd.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Want to apply for graduate entry to medicine

Want to apply for graduate entry to medicine Have you always dreamed of being a doctor? Did you decide before you went to uni that perhaps some other course might suit you better? Was that a mistake? All is not necessarily lost. There are routes in for people from a range of backgrounds and there is the option of graduate entry. How does graduate entry work? Courses are usually 4 years in length, as compared to 5 years for an undergraduate course,  they lead to the qualifications MBChB or MBBS. There are currently 12 institutions offering graduate entry to medicine courses. Places are limited and it can be even more competitive than applying for undergraduate study of medicine. Many courses require you to have  studied a life science degree or to have certain A-level grades in science subjects, but some offer more flexibility. Newcastle, Nottingham, St Georges, Swansea and Warwick all accept applicants from any degree discipline and they value the diversity that studying in   different areas  provides. In order to apply for these courses you will need to pass an admissions test, meet their other academic requirements, which almost always include a 2:1 degree classification (although St Georges will consider a 2:2) and have 70+ hours of relevant experience. Is medicine for you? The requirement to get work experience provides you with the perfect opportunity to explore whether medicine is for you. It is not an easy profession and despite an impression that doctors are very well paid, if money is your prime motivator a career in investment banking or law might offer a quicker  return This  work experience needs to involve patient contact. This can take the form of volunteering. Working in care homes, hospital wards or hospices can be a very good way of gaining an understanding of how different medical professionals interact and how they all take responsibility for the care of patients. These types of positions tend to be longer term commitments, something you might do over the course of a year rather than for just two weeks. Hospitals also sometimes offer work shadowing opportunities (spending a day or a portion of a day with a healthcare professional). You might also consider paid roles in health care such as Health Care Assistants. Admissions Tests Different institutions demand different admissions tests. These are the BMAT, the GAMSAT, and the UKCAT. When researching potential course providers check which admission test they require as the tests have differing costs and registration dates (just to add to the confusion). There are practice tests available on line and you should use these to prepare. The score you receive from your test plays a pivotal role in application success so this element is not to be underestimated. Applying Applications to Graduate Entry to Medicine are made through UCAS, in the autumn term of your final year. You submit a personal statement outlining your interest and commitment to medicine. You will need to give a clear and consistent account of where your decision to study medicine has come from and how you have explored the decision (Hint: your work experience is going to come in very handy here). You will want to be able to show evidence of reflection; this is a crucial part of the professional development of a medic. You will also want to provide evidence of your ability to study at this level and your rationale for why you have choosing particular courses or institutions. If you make it through the first screen you will be invited to interview. You may encounter Multiple Mini Interviews whereby you rotate round different interview stations undergoing different tests at each. Moving forward Medicine is certainly not a fall back option or a career to be entered into lightly. However it does potentially offer intrinsic rewards. Routes in are highly competitive but at Warwick there is support available from Student Careers and Skills.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

7 Things You Should NEVER Do in an Interview

7 Things You Should NEVER Do in an Interview This article is sponsored by  Cezanne HR Software, a leading provider of SaaS HR solutions for mid-sized and growing businesses. So you’ve landed an interview for your dream job and want to do everything possible to ensure you’re the chosen one. The interview is your chance to make a good impression and convince the company you’re the right person for the job.  But it’s surprising how many candidates ruin their chances with simple slip-ups. So if you want to ace that interview, here are the 7 things you definitely shouldn’t do: 1) Turn up late You’d be amazed how many candidates burst through the door hot, flustered and LATE.  It definitely won’t get you off to a good start â€" and if interviews are scheduled back to back, you may even miss your chance altogether.  Make sure you set that alarm and that you know where you are going and how to get there. 2) Dress Inappropriately Knowing what to wear can be a tough call.  You don’t want to turn up suited and booted if the company is casual and everyone’s in jeans â€" or indeed vice versa.  Try and find out what the dress code is, and if in doubt, opt for smart and professional â€" you are on show after all. 3)  Fail to prepare Recruiters will want to see you’ve done your homework.  There are extra brownie points to be had if you can show you’ve taken the trouble to find out exactly what the business does and where it’s headed.  So scour the company’s website to get up-to-speed, gen up on the industry they operate in and Google them to see if they’ve been in the news. 4) Lie We all like to big ourselves up in interviews, but make sure you don’t stray too far from the truth.  If you claim to be an IT whizz you’ll soon be found out when you’re asked a technical question or have to prove your skills in a test.  Be honest about your background and abilities and be ready with real examples of how you’ve used your knowledge and expertise in the past. 5) Bad-mouth your previous employer You may well hate your boss and feel your current company treats staff like dirt, but an interview is definitely not the time to share that information.  Running a previous employer down is unprofessional and the interviewer will be worried you might do the same to them too one day.  Keep it cool and be ready with a more positive answer as to why you want to move on. 6) Let your body language trip you up OK so you’re not that enthusiastic about the job on offer and frankly the interviewer is asking you some pretty stupid questions â€" but whatever you do, don’t let your body language give you away.  Don’t slouch, fidget, bite your nails, fiddle with your phone or look longingly out of the window.  Stay alert, smile and maintain eye contact so that you come across as interested and professional. 7) Be rude to the receptionist Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the receptionist or security guard you meet when you turn up for an interview is unimportant.  If you’re rude or surly to them it may well get fed back.  Some companies make a practice of asking their front-line staff what impression candidates have made on them.  Always be polite and friendly and treat people with respect or it may come back to bite you! Author: Erika Lucas writes for Cezanne HR Software, a leading provider of SaaS HR solutions for mid-sized and growing businesses. Connect with Cezanne on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How to Create a One-Page Resume

How to Create a One-Page ResumeCreating a one page resume may seem easy. It is not; it takes planning and lots of effort to come up with a strong and comprehensive document. However, it can be done. The end result will speak for itself.One of the easiest ways to create one is to consider the four components that make up a typical resume. These components are information, skills, qualifications, and goals. These four components are the building blocks for your resume.Information will likely make up the largest part of your resume. Information can be anything from your previous job and education to employment history and skills. The information in your resume should represent your current position and should be tailored to your specific needs.Skills are a part of your education and your professional life. It includes everything you have learned and acquired over the years. Skills include skills such as reading, writing, analysis, knowledge of technology, and others. A resume can make i t easier to remember if there are words that are keyed to your professional and educational background. However, you should not use these words unless they are needed on your application.Qualifications can be summed up in one sentence. This is what is called the TOEFL score or the GMAT score. These two numbers represent your level of education and your level of experience. Your degree or your GMAT scores can help you find employment faster.Of course, it does not end here. In addition to this, you should also include information about your employment history and employment goals. These are all helpful tools to employers. Employers are looking for people who can contribute to the growth of their company.You can create a one page resume that has all the information you need. You should only put the information you want to place on your resume. If you have no information to put on your resume, you do not need to put any information on your resume. This information should be placed on yo ur application. You can place a separate application for resumes.So there are some ways to create a one page resume. Creating a resume is easier when you follow the blueprint set forth by your school or college. However, there are many other resources that you can use to create a resume that is unique and special.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

#17 - Career Expert Series Emily Kapit from Refresh Your Step LLC

#17 - Career Expert Series Emily Kapit from Refresh Your Step LLC The Career Insider Podcast Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | TuneIn | RSSFor this Episode of The CareerMetis Podcast â€" we will be hearing from Emily Kapit from Refresh Your Step LLC.This interview is part of the “Career Expert Series“.evalEmily Kapit’s BIOevalEmily Kapit, MS, MRW, ACRW, CPRW, is a triple certified Master Resume Writer and industry leading career strategist. She is also the Founder of ReFresh Your Step, LLC, a career advisory firm based in Miami, Florida, with clients located nationally and internationally. She and her team of highly certified writers and career advisors work extensively with clients on all facets of their career progression, including resumes/cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, job search strategies, mock interviews, career guidance, and more.Episode SummaryEmily Kapit Shares her insights based on her experience helping candidates from various careers, ranging from Astronauts to Zoologists. Here is a summary of ou r discussion.1.The first most important thing you have to do before your begin the job search process â€" step back and see yourself as an individual of accomplishments. Having this information and mindset will help you to craft your resume, LinkedIn, Interviews,etc.2.When preparing a Resume â€" understand for whom you are preparing the resume i.e craft your resume thinking about the Hiring Manager or Recruiter in mind. This will allow you to stand out and establish yourself as a strong candidate.3.Showcase a Consistency of Excellence throughout your job search process.4.LinkedIn is an absolute must in your job search process. Optimize your profile with Skills, Endorsements,etc. to showcase a strong personal brand on LinkedIn.eval5.A Job Interview is a two-way street â€" you are there to learn as much about the company/interviewer , as much as they are learning about you.6.The importance of asking proper questions during the job interview process. Learn more about the culture to as certain a proper fit.7.When and how to bring up compensation during the job search process?8.Leverage Informational Interviews to tap into jobs that are not posted.Links and ResourcesevalTo learn more connect with Emily Kapit â€" you can reach her through her LinkedIn account, Twitter or email.Intro Music provided courtesy of Accelerated Ideas ( Soundtrack â€" Siren KickbackEnding Music provided courtesy of Accelerated Ideas ( Soundtrack â€" No Need to Rush

Saturday, May 9, 2020

How Long Do Professional Development Goals Take - Wolfgang Career Executive Coaching

How Long Do Professional Development Goals Take - Wolfgang Career Executive Coaching Dear Coach Wolfgang, How long does it take to reach professional development goals? Great question. Tough to answer. Let me answer your question by way of a story. . . Freak accident I’m frustrated and impatient and am ready to get back to normal life, Doc!, I said. It takes as long as it takes, Amy., she replied. My doctors statement does nothing to make me feel better. Clearly, I cant wait much longer! Hold on. . . what happened to me? ?Let’s go back 8 weeks. My 4-year old was invited to a birthday party at a trampoline park. I have been to these parties before. They are fun for both kids and adults. However, I had no intention of jumping. My 4-year old pleaded with me to jump. So I bought the $2 socks and got ready to have some fun. Fun was not in the cards. I wish I could say that I was doing some amazing trick on the trampoline that caused my injury. Unfortunately that was not the case. Instead, just as I got onto the trampoline, I had a freak accident. My ankle buckled and turned awkwardly to the right side. Then, because I was on a trampoline, my ankle turned awkwardly to the left side. I hopped off the trampoline, sat done, moved my ankle a bit and heard two pops. Uh oh. This is not good. Turns out I sprained both sides of my ankle and tore two ligaments near the back of my foot. It takes as long as it takes I have been blessed and have not had many injuries in my life. The injuries I did have happened in my 20s when I healed much more quickly. Not this time. So far, two weeks in a boot, and six weeks with an ankle brace. I decided I was going to heal as quickly as I can. I’m doing everything in my power to heal. I am going to physical therapy twice a week, doing the exercises at home in between PT sessions, not overdoing it so I dont unintentionally re-injuring myself! However, it is taking so much longer to heal than I ever imagined. My ligaments are on their own timeline. Yes, the steps I am taking are helping, but I cannot do anything else to make them heal any faster. That’s out of my control. I have to be patient and know that if I keep doing my exercises and doing the right things, my ligaments will heal. It will take as long as it takes. This situation reminds me of a job search or any professional development goal we strive for. We can’t simply move from wanting to change or wanting a new job and it happening quickly. It all takes time. Reaching professional development goals For a professional developmental goal, you can identify ways you want to change, identify the underlying beliefs and assumptions that caused your old behaviors, test out ways of new behavior, and so on. These are all necessary and positive steps. However, you can’t put a timeline on this change. You are going to make progress. You are going to take steps back. You are going to encounter barriers. The change will happen if you take those positive steps, but you can’t force it. You have to give up the anxiety of trying to make it happen faster than it can. Just continue to focus on progress. Finding peace with your job search The same can be said of a job search. You can state your goal, update your branding documents, network and build relationships, apply for jobs, etc. You can take all these positive steps, but you can’t force the process. Your will alone cannot simply make it happen. Again, keep taking the steps, learn from mistakes and keep at it. But, release yourself from the anxiety, the forcing it, focusing on the things not in your control. Those items won’t make the new job happen any soon. Development goals, job searches, injured ankles . . . they can all end positively, but along with positive steps you can take, the results will take as long as they take.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Tough (Question) Tuesday What do you do when you just dont wanna

Tough (Question) Tuesday What do you do when you just dont wanna Crap. by Rebecca Van Stralen Its my Writing Day, but I dont feel like writing. Its Awake Time, but I just feel like sleeping. Its Coffee Shop Day, but I just wanna head home. What do you do when you just dont wanna? Please write your answers in the comments, and come back tomorrow to hear mine!